How to Wash Out Coconut Oil From Hair Without Shampoo


How To Get Coconut Oil Out Of Hair?For centuries humans have used coconut oil on hair and cooking purposes. Especially in the coastal regions of Asia, coconut oil is a traditional component used for maintaining healthy hair.

Coconut oil is an amazing natural remedy for annihilating dandruff, strengthening hair and producing a lively shine. However, if you have used excess oil, your hair will become sticky and heavy, and it can be challenging to wash it off.

Pure coconut oil improves the health of both scalp and hair follicles. Coconut oil is found to penetrate the hair follicle the most of any oil, creating the perfect conditions to grow thicker and fuller hair.

I have compiled a list of the best possible ways to remove coconut oil from hair , why to remove it, and how to use coconut oil for hair . I will share my findings with you in this article. Prior to jumping to the crux of the article; here are few benefits of using coconut oil.



  • Reduces Hair Fall – When we have hair fall, doctors generally advise us to apply coconut oil on hair due to its multifunctional properties. One of the most significant advantages of coconut oil is that it naturally removes dandruff from the hair.
  • Prevents Hair Loss – If you are suffering from excessive hair loss, applying coconut oil on the hair stimulates the hair growth by going deep into the scalp and strengthening the roots of the hair.
  • Cuts down Protein Loss – Our hair is composed entirely of protein, and the loss of protein makes it dry and dirty. When coconut oil is applied on the hair, it becomes smooth and shiny.
  • Antibacterial Properties – When our hair is exposed to dirt and pollution, many harmful microbes enter into the hair and cause many undesirable effects on it. Coconut oil has antibacterial properties that kill the bacteria and turns the hair healthy again.
  • Cooling and Relaxation – Though it reduces hair loss, it also provides a cooling effect on our head, which releases all our tension and anxieties. Therefore when a person is suffering from a headache, applying coconut oil on the head makes him/her feel relaxed and releases all the tensions and anxieties.



  • Treatment for lice – Coconut oil is very beneficial in the treatment of lice as it helps in immobilizing lice which are then combed out. First, we have to rinse our hair with vinegar and allow it to dry, so that the whole of the area will be covered. Then after some time, apply the oil on your hair and comb it. This procedure kills all the lice on your hair and then apply and rinse it with shampoo as usual. This process has to be done once, and it will wash away all the lice from your hair.



  1. Its odor might be an aroma for some people, while for others, it might be nauseating.
  2. The second significant disadvantage of coconut oil is that it starts solidifying as the temperature falls to 24-degree Celsius due to the high content of saturated fats. Therefore in colder countries, it hardens, making it difficult for people to use.


  1. Sporting an oil-laden hair is generally deemed as unprofessional and unclean.
  2. Regularly using excessive amounts of Coconut oil for a prolonged duration may block your pores leading to itching. If it is left untreated for an elongated duration, it might manifest into dandruff, follicle breakage, hair loss or even baldness.
  3. The fatty acids in Coconut oil make hair stick together, forming clumps of hair.

Right, so now you might be getting the feels and would be dying to know how to wash coconut oil out of hair now. And without further ado, let's discuss it.

Also Read, Learn How To Get Rid Of Dandruff Fast, Naturally & Overnight


Yes, we are finally here!


Applying shampoo or conditioner can wash away the coconut oil from your hair. Apply the shampoo according to how much coconut oil there is on your hair. On rinsing, the coconut oil will be washed away. The important point here is that a high-quality shampoo must be used, since a low-quality one has chances of damaging your hair.

Applying shampoo can wash away the coconut oil from your hair rapidly.

applying-shampoo can wash away oil


Egg wash is better than applying shampoo on your hair. It removes coconut oil even faster than shampoo. Here you have to thoroughly rinse your hair with a mixture of egg and water then allow it to dry for some time. After a while, use one teaspoon of castile soap and massage it for five minutes. On washing, the coconut oil will be automatically washed away.


Baking soda is also used in the removal of coconut oil from the hair. Firstly, prepare a paste by adding two tablespoons of baking soda with water. Then apply the paste on the hair and massage it for 5-10 minutes. After massaging the hair, wash it with warm water and the coconut oil will also be eliminated.



Aloe vera is widely used in removing coconut oil from the hair. Begin with mixing aloe vera gel and lemon juice into the shampoo. Applying this shampoo and washing it with lukewarm water after 5-10 minutes gets rid of the coconut oil.


The acidity of lemon is also one of the best ways to remove excess oil from the hair. Use two lemons for making juice, and then add two cups of water into it. It is recommended to add three tablespoons of honey into the mixture. Applying and washing with lukewarm water extracts coconut oil from the hair.


Firstly, you will need to pat your hair with a dry towel until the towel absorbs some oil. Then apply dry shampoo on your hair and spread it on the whole area. Leave it on for a few minutes. Allow the dry shampoo to go deeper into the roots so that it can absorb excess oil from your hair.


It is the conventional method of removing oil from the hair. You must not apply cold water on your hair as it will further solidify the coconut oil making it harder to get out.


Vinegar is a natural astringent effectively used in the removal of coconut oil from the hair. Add 2-3 tablespoon of vinegar in a cup of water and then apply it on your hair and leave it for some time, allow the mixture to reach the scalp. Then wash with lukewarm water to get rid of the oil.



Due to the astringent properties of black tea, it prevents the building of excess oil in the hair. Taking black tea 2-3 times a day will be beneficial in the expelling process.


If you don't want to avail the benefits of shampoo and conditioner, then a paper towel is the last option. Applying a paper towel on hair absorbs the excess oil from it and thus makes us free from coconut oil.


Mint and Rosemary both contain properties that contribute to making them a great natural hair rinsing agent. The organic compounds and essential oils in the ingredients clean the hair from the hair follicles, thereby improving hair growth. Take a tablespoon of Mint and Rosemary and mix it in two cups of boiled water along with lemon extract. Leave this mixture on hair for 10 minutes before washing.


The minerals in Fuller's Earth improves blood circulation in the scalp. The clay-like material also has oil absorbing properties. Mix 3 tablespoons of Fuller's Earth with water to create a thick paste. Wash using warm water after 15-20 minutes.


Tomatoes aid in balancing the PH content of your hair due to its acidic property. They are also known to purge any odor on your hair, including coconut oil odor. Make a puree of one tomato and mix it with a tablespoon of Fuller's Earth. Apply this mixture on your hair and wash it off with water after 30 minutes.


Alcohol is an effective and instantaneous solution for oily hair. Vodka is the best form of alcohol for oily hair. Mix a cup of vodka with two cups of water. After shampooing your hair, use this mixture to rinse your hair. Wash with water after about 10-15 minutes.


Henna is a natural remedy used from many centuries on hair. Applying a paste of henna powder and water on your hair not only removes excess oil from hair but also leaves it smooth soft and clean.


Witch hazel oil is yet another effective remedy for removing coconut oil from hair. It also nourishes hair and makes it healthy.

Few Tips

  • Apply a mixture of 1 tablespoon of aloe vera and one tablespoon of lemon juice on the scalp and hair. Wash your hair after 10-15 minutes with lukewarm water to eliminate excess oil from your hair.
  • Try using dry shampoo for removing coconut oil from hair.
  • For best results, use a homemade shampoo made with ingredients available at home to avert dryness and the ill-effects of chemical compounds on hair.
  • Use fingertips to apply oil on hair and scalp. This technique ensures that you don't use excess oil and functions as a head massage as well.
  • Use virgin coconut oil for the ideal outcome.
  • Apply to the ends of the hair which will be drier than the scalp.
  • Mix coconut oil with essential oil before applying on hair to get a pleasant smell on hair.


Coconut oil is doubtless one of the bountiful gifts of nature, that has a wide range of uses. It is also highly beneficial to the health of your hair. However, if you accidentally used too much, then I hope you find this article useful in removing the excess coconut oil from your hair.

Consider oiling your hair once or twice every week. All of the solutions listed here can be tried right from your home with homemade ingredients most of the time. Hence you can avoid spending a hefty amount when visiting the beauty spa to get your hair stripped of oil.


  1. Is Coconut Oil Good For The Skin?

Coconut oil has many health benefits. Coconut oil contains a tremendous amount of calcium and magnesium, which is very good at lowering stress and muscle tension. It also helps in reducing cholesterol. It is very beneficial to athletes as it has high potassium content, which provides the energy to do a heavy workout.

  1. Are There Any Other Benefits Of Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil helps in the treatment of cancer, improves digestion, prevents heart disease and also helps in the removal of toxins from the body.

  1. Is Using Coconut Oil On Face Really Worth It?

Coconut oil has many antibacterial and antifungal properties which moisturize our skin and reduces our face wrinkles.

  1. Is The Cholesterol In Coconut Oil Harmful?

Coconut oil does not consist of cholesterol; instead, it contains saturated fatty acids whose excess consumption can increase the cholesterol level in the body.

  1. How To Use Coconut Oil For Hair?

About two tablespoons of coconut oil should be enough for an average length of hair. Spread the oil thoroughly on every strand of hair and take extra oil only if you feel the need. The quantity of oil also depends on the individual, hair type and skin type.

  1. How Long To Leave Coconut Oil In Hair?

Two to three times a week is usually the perfect interval to use coconut oil. You might need to increase the frequency or quantity of coconut oil if you have dry or damaged hair.

How to Wash Out Coconut Oil From Hair Without Shampoo


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