How to Get Rid of Sideburns Without Stubble

How to make your sideburns grow by sticking to a step-by-step instruction and do it really fast? Read everything in the article.

Nowadays sideburns are very rare among men.

Many guys and men confidently assure that they are the relics of the past, they are out of fashion and extremely uncomfortable.

However, regardless of it many men choosing between mustaches, beard and sideburns still prefer sideburns.

Wondering why you need to know that the answer is very simple.

Sideburns exist in various styles and types.

The main kinds of this facial decoration are supposed to be wide, narrow, long, short, rounded.

The article is going to teach you how to grow sideburns fast and how to cut them and take care in the future.

Why it is so fashionable to grow sideburns?

Clean-shaved guys look so boring and uninteresting.

Nowadays, sideburns conquered our men again.

Young men are likely to look more manlike because of them, and women will be able to discover more about their personalities.

In the XVIII century sideburns became fashionable.

This is the hair which grows along the both sides of the face.

In XIX century there were two types of sideburns: called English and Roman. In the first option they seemed longer and parted from the haircut a little, while the second option united haircut and sideburns.

The fashion to grow sideburns has come through decades.

The term sideburns originated from the name of the general of the Civil War Abrus Burnside, because he had disobedient hair on the face.

Nowadays sideburns may grow separately from the beard or be connected to it.

They may grow on its own, regardless of whether you have something on the top of the head or not.

Nevertheless, you should not attempt to recreate them from the temples.

Men's sideburns can be of various types – their length can be up to the middle of the ear, to the chin or to the jaws.

One may make them look like a thin line or visa verse, leave them wide.

Besides, you may make them short, long or of another type, because everything depends on how you wish.

Shortly cut sideburns will fit men with short haircut.

However, the owners of long haircuts should better make the sideburns of the corresponding length.

You may conduct some fast experiments and create appearance, which is not typical of you.

The long kind may be able to balance all face features, especially long chin, and on the contrary – the short kind will probably emphasize all proportions together with small subtle chin.

Kinds of sideburns, which one can grow

Nowadays there is a great variety of sideburns.

Many of them are buzz words all the time.

Surely, there are some famous names of the main types, which were given names in honor of the well-known sportsmen or other famous people.

The names of sideburns, you can grow:

  • Federation standard is a type, which is done under 45 degrees to the top of the ear;
  • United wide sideburns, or the so-called Friendly Mutton Chops, close most of the cheeks and cheek-bones and are connected with mustaches over the upper lip, while the chin is clearly-shaved;
  • Canvas is a wide type of sideburns, which are connected to the mustache.

Instruction on how to grow sideburns fast

Mind that sideburns are not temples.

These are only the hairlines on the both sides.

If you really wish to find out how to grow sideburns fast, you must know that you do not need some special efforts for this.

A step-by-step instruction on how to grow sideburns

  1. Stop using razor.

    Throw it away or hide for "the better times".

    Growing directly depends on the physiological peculiarities of a person's organism and the speed of hair growth.

    In average this process takes from two weeks to a few months.

    In order to grow them fast you must moisture those places with burdock oil, because it makes hair grow fast and makes the follicles stronger.

  2. Define the type of the face and the form of the future sideburns.

    Defining does not only mean adding shape!

    If a man has a round face, he'd better choose short sideburns, while men with narrow faces are likely to look better with the long ones.

    In case the face is square, you'll need to grow wide sideburns.

  3. Add form to the already grown hair.

    You should not catch the razor after a week of growing and start shaping fast.

    It grows in different directions and it can be noticed only on the big enough bristle, that's why you'd better wait a little.

  4. Shave all hair on your face avoiding your new sideburns.

    You should shave using simple razor.

    In order to make the sides even you may learn how to use shaver or scissors.

    To even the length you should also use only simple scissors.

    If you wish to make the sideburns shorter, you will definitely need the comb.

    Use it to raise hair and cut.

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  5. After you added shape you need to cut the sideburns.

    You'd better use beard trimmer, scissors or shavers.

    The sideburns' thickness must be the same, otherwise they'll look silly.

    When you correct the shape by trimmer you'd better pick the third header and the second length's controller.

    A piece of advice: pick suitable time to grow sideburns, such as vacations, for instance.

    The grown and uncut sideburns look slovenly and unaesthetic.

    That's why it's better not to be seen by acquaintances and colleagues in this period.

    You should also be ready that in the process of growing you might get irritation and reddening.

    Only products with calming effect from drugstores are able to help you cope with it fast.

How to grow sideburns fast?

The suggested recommendations are equally effective to stimulate fast growth of the already existing sideburns and to activate new.

In order to grow sideburns fast one needs to secure a complex approach, which presupposes:

  1. Natural kinds of inner stimulation
  2. Hygienic and cosmetic procedures for the external stimulation
  3. Using special products

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Natural kinds of inner stimulation include:

  • Testosterone's rise.

    Low level of male sex hormone (androgen) may be the reason for slow hair growth on the body and face.

    However, at first you should really make sure that the problem is in the hormones.

    Pass the blood test on testosterone.

    If the analysis for the general testosterone showed low results, your doctor will prescribe you the required course of treatment on how to restore the normal level of hormones.

    Then you may account for the increased hair growth on the body and face.

  • Healthy food.

    To form the sideburns you need much protein, amino acids, certain vitamins and minerals.

    When your organism has enough of them, it will significantly improve the hair's growth and structure.

    Build the complex of vitamins B.

    Vitamin B7, also known as biotin, is one of the most significant one, which you must get, if you wish to grow sideburns fast.

    Vitamins B5, B3 and B9 are also extremely important.

    Biotin is contained in nut and egg yolk.

    Vitamins B5 and B3 improve circulation of blood and are contained in hen, ham, fish, egg yolk, avocado, milk and cereals from whole grains.

    Vitamin B9, or the folic acid, directly influences on the ability to grow thick hair. You may find it in cereals, nuts, and green leafy vegetables.

    Maintain vitamins A, C and E. all these three types of vitamins work together to create the favorable conditions for fast growth.

    Vitamin A helps to maintain follicles and skin fat; it is contained in carrot, broccoli and green leafy vegetables.

    Vitamin C improves immune system and may be found in potato, citrus fruits, green pepper, tomatoes, and in dark leaves of green vegetables.

    Vitamin E improves blood circulation and is contained in beans, nuts and vegetables.

Hygienic and cosmetic procedures to stimulate from the outside fast sideburns' growth include:

  • Keep your skin clean.

    It does not necessarily mean you need to use various skincare products and facials.

    So, in order to keep your face clean you simply need to wash your face with cold water 2-3 times per day or as often as it gets dirty.

  • Use gum tree.

    Gum tree may also help to stimulate fast hair growth, but you should never apply eucalyptus oil directly on the skin.

    You'd better dissolve it in water or use special skincare products, which contain it as one of the ingredients.

    Dissolve eucalyptus oil: 4 parts of water for one part of gum tree. Apply it to the skin using a cotton disk and leave it there.

    Remember: if there appears irritation on your skin, wash it off immediately and avoid in the future.

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  • Stimulate the follicles by means of massage.

    Regardless of the fact that it may seem a little nontraditional, light face massage will show you how to stimulate follicles to grow faster and thicker.

    Massage gently all face, where you wish to grow hair fast.

    Rub a little by rounding movements and massage for about 10-15 minutes twice per day.

Using special products to grow sideburns fast concerns the following things:

  • Use minoxidil.

    Traditionally, minoxidil is used to activate hair growth at the top of the head.

    A little later it was discovered that this medicine has great effect on growing hair on the face.

    Do not forget to consult a doctor before using minoxidil as a product to trigger hair growth.

  • Take finasteride.

    This is an oral product, which is traditionally used as a stimulator for hair growth on the head, but the research has showed that it is able to help with the face just like minoxidil.

    It may increase the testosterone level on 10-20%, the result of which will be the increase of hair covering on the body and face.

    However, it may only be prescribed by a doctor.

    Follow the instruction attentively, in order to avoid accidental overdose.

How to take care of the grown sideburns?

How can one possibly look after sideburns in order to always look stylish and well-attended?

  1. Firstly, wash them often with shampoo and comb them regularly.
  2. Secondly, always shave your face cleanly, because sideburns do not look good with bristle.

    At least once a week make them even using trimmer or scissors.

  3. So that the sideburns were shiny and healthy, you should use special oils from time to time, which are likely to improve hair growth and add healthy appearance to it.

We hope that our pieces of advice on how to grow sideburns will help you.

However, you should mind that they may not only discover how to add some charm to your appearance, but completely ruin it, if you pick the wrong option.

That's why you'd better turn for help to professionals in this field.

Experienced masters will teach you how to pick the needed form, how to cut them properly and consult you concerning the proper further care after this "beauty".

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How to Get Rid of Sideburns Without Stubble


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